1) I've not had my coffee. The boys learned from an early age, don't talk to Mommy pre-coffee. Danger, danger Will Robinson!
2) I've just cleaned a room only to have the boys declare it a Nerf Gun War Zone. Or that they need to make their own tea. Or that the really need to wear the clothes that are neatly at the top of the closet. OCD + House full of boys=Zuul.
3) Pot holder battle- Consists of chasing each other around the kitchen smacking with pot holders. What, you guys don't do this?
4) PMS-Psychotic Mood Shift. Hate to live up to the stereotype, but there it is. Fortunately I have a brilliant husband who tracks things like this like a weather pattern. He then brings me chocolate and tells the boys I'm grounded and have to stay in my room. Smart man, just sayin'
5) Plethora of other random things they do that never occurred on the Donna Reed show.
I would love to say that I'm the perfect mom, who never loses her cool but sadly that's just not the case. I hope that when the boys look back on their childhoods they'll remember more of my other personality's-Bill and Ted (I say "Dude" a lot), My Mom-(For all of the things that I do right, and also the gasping panic I get whenever someone makes a choking sound), and Molly Weasley (because who doesn't want to be Molly Weasley). Funny enough I'm also an accountant by trade, so my work version of Zuul also exists :)

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